负担越多,自由越少?负担 VS 自由
自由决定什么? 幸福
You are a slave 你是一个奴隶。
Yah, a Georgia slave! 你是乔治亚的奴隶!
If you want to survive, do and say as little as possible 要想生存,就尽量少说少做。
and tell no one you can read and write 也不要和人说你能阅读和写字.
Unless you want to be a dead nigger 除非你不想活了
born and bred slaves, Nigger ain't got no stomach for a fight 生来就是奴隶,黑奴可没胆量反抗
It's better off, better than us.这样更好,比我们更好。
You will refer to me as Master . 你们要叫我主人。
run nigger run well the pattyroller will get you. 只要逃跑,鬼就来找你。
You let yourself be overcome by sorrow. 你让自己沉浸在悲伤里。
I survive, i will not fall into despair. 我不会深陷绝望。
I will keep myself hearty until freedom is opportune. 我会 保持动力,直到重获自由。
My back is thick with sears from protesting my freedom. 为了捍卫自由,我的背上满是伤痕。
I have done dishonorable things to survive. 为了活命,我连尊严都不要了。
for all of them, I have ended up here. 付出那么多,还是那样的下场。
no better than i had stood up for myself.倒不如奋起反抗,捍卫自己。
Before i came to you, i was a freeman. 我来你这儿之前是自由人。
neither did according to his will 又不顺他的意思行
shall be beaten with many stripes 那仆人必多受责打。
a lesson in the rewards of righteous livin. 什么叫正确的生活方式。
I say no man of conscious can take the last to another human day in and day out without shredding at his own self 我觉得一个神智清醒的人,不可能一天到晚不停抽打别人,却不会丢失自我
takes him to a place where he either make excuse within his mind to be unaffected 要嘛找借口让自己的精神不受影响
or find someway to trample his guilty sensations 要么无视自己的罪恶感
i trampled with frequent 我选择无视,而且很频繁
were he not free and white 他要不是个自由的白人,他就死定了。
that there is no justice, or righteousness in this slavery.奴隶制度无公平和正义可言。
suppose they pass the law, take away your liberty, making you slave 假设他们颁布了新发,剥夺你的自由
law changes, universal truth thought are constant 法律会变,但普世真理是不变的
what is true and right is true and right for all, white and black alike. 只要是真理,就对所有人都适用, 不管是黑人还是白人。
Sin? there is no sin 罪孽,我没有罪孽
a man does how he please with his property 人对自己的东西本来就可以任意处置
my freedom is everything 自由就是我的一切
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